<aside> 💡 The Notion of Decentralization


The Fractal Network is a non-custodial distributed computing architecture designed to usher in permissioned decentralization for the post-cloud computing era.

Fractal Networks enable secure and efficient data storage and communication between an end-user’s personal devices, without the need for 3rd-party data centers or a centralized network authority. This allows for greater privacy and control over one’s personal data, as well as an increased resilience and scalability for edge computing networks.

Compared to traditional blockchains networks, Fractal Networks differ in that they are comprised of a plurality of individual and community based non-commercial networks, in addition to traditional commercially operated enterprise networks. Designed to augment the capabilities of traditional online systems, Fractal Networks offer features and capabilities more akin to that of traditional cloud providers while side-stepping the data privacy, security and centralization risks associated with them.

In conclusion, Fractal Networks aim to provide the foundation for the future of human-centric computing by enabling permissioned decentralization. Take ownership of your digital existence by creating your own Fractal Network today and start addressing the challenges associated with traditional centralized computing. The future of the humanity depends on it.
